Special Political and Decolonization Committee


Discussing the right to self-determination, with special reference to non-self-governing territories.

“Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” ~ Immanuel Kent

SPECPOL is the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly. SPECPOL involves the discussion of a wide range of topics from human rights to outer space. The delegates, at this meeting, will discuss non-self- governing territories. The Committee aims at making these territories aware of their rights and also aim at helping them reach self-determination. The UN has been successful in decolonising more than 80 countries as sovereign and independent countries. But there are still 17 non-self-governing territories, even after the Trusteeship Council achieved its goals, that have not been able to exercise their right to self-determination. The long-standing predicament of self-determination and self-governance, as old as the era of colonialism, still remains unsolved. Even in the modern age of diplomacy, a multitude of questions remain with regard to the sovereignty of multiple territories such as autonomy for Catalonia or freedom for Hong Kong.

This committee will be tasked with developing effective strategies to counter the ever more alarming global issue of self-determination through the evolution of Geo-politics and International Law.


Alden D'Souza

Co - Chairperson

Rohan Prasad

Co - Chairperson