Countering China's Influence in the Indo-Pacific Region
“Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where
there is no river” ~ Nikita S. Khruschev
A major pandemic may have brought attention to China’s disregard for public
safety but that does not shine a light on the actual threat posed to the current
geopolitical status-quo. China’s aggressive expansionist policy, whether it be in
the economic front or the military front, can be perfectly demonstrated in the
Indo-Pacific region. The age-old issue of control over the South China Sea
seemed to be getting closer to a resolution in the previous decade, not through
multilateral agreements by the involved parties, but by China asserting military
control over a large region of the sea. This controversy also foreshadows other
ventures such as the Gwadar Port Project and the One Belt-One Road Project
with the aim of asserting hegemony over its neighbours.
With India’s sphere of influence being encroached upon, time is of the essence
to pass legislation to combat the impending threat. The responsibility now lies
on the members of India’s lower house of the Parliament to bolster India’s
global position. The situation is further complicated by the recent defence and
‘cooperation’ deals signed between China and India’s immediate neighbours.
All this considered, the delegate representing a member of Parliament is tasked
with devising, deliberating and passing comprehensive laws to stem China’s
expansion into the Indo-Pacific region. Can you, as a member of Parliament,
secure the required support to get your agenda passed?